Therefore, nowadays users prefer to use captcha-solving software.ĢCaptcha is a Captcha recognition service solving captchas in real-time.

Sometimes it is easy to solve the captcha, however, some of them are just a headache to the users, It might take minutes to think whether the letter is in Upper Case or Lower Case. Captchas are used to stop spamming blogs, accessing bots, and making a website more secure. Captcha stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. The basic Captcha goal is to check whether the user is a human or a bot.

You may already solve many captchas while submitting a form or signing up for a website. In this article, we will access the 2captcha API with the help of Python ptogramming language.

After that, employees resolve them and provide the result. These captcha solving services services have an API on which we send our captchas using POST / GET method. While working on various projects, we have to use some third-party captcha solving services to do some automation. In this tutorial, we will learn how to bypass captcha using the 2captcha python package available on pypi.