Sometimes whole versions are skipped for some device and not others. From what I can tell recently users in the same tenant are not offered updates at the same point, a degree of staging is being done by Microsoft where they deploy to something like 10% then 20% and so on. There is not significant consistency, versions do not get deployed to everyone at the same time, one machine can be offered an update while another isn't. If you look in the client logs (right click on the Teams icon in the status tray) they check and are told they are up to date. Recently there has been a pause in client updates, I've seen devices as far back as 1.9 from November that are happily not updating to anything else. But now I havethe feeling it is no longer up to client version numbers is a fruitless task, best to try and ignore it. After removing the app and reinstalling, it was fine again. I had to re-install Teams a while ago since I could no longer logon. My colleagues can use breakout rooms, and I cannot find that feature anywhere. I used to have the possibility for large gallery, but that is greyed out the last few weeks. If Teams is updating regularly and automatically, that seems like a long time ago that an update was applied. It says that I have version 1.6 that was updated on 11th of November 2020. I am doubting that my Teams desktop has been updating automatically. So please tell me how can I ascertain that indeed the most recent updates have been installed? I have been searching for an update history on my system, also nothing.

No "most recent version is already installed", no "there is an update available". Clicking "check for updates" in my already installed desktop app gives me litterally NO FEEDBACK.

Downloading the installation file tells me nothing, since the version is not included in the filename. When I google "latest Teams Desktop version" I am not getting any clear cut answers.