10 Kills with Underslung Grenade Launcher LVG.10 Kills with Underslung Grenade Launcher Dart.Destroy an Objective in Carrier Assault.In either case the 10 hours must be achieved first.An MAV drone can be used to land on a tower but this will restrict the player to using the Recon class.If players get a 10 killstreak, then die before landing on the tower, the killstreak will not count.It is recommended to get the landing first, and then work on the 10 killstreak in the same game.Land on Top of the Tallest Tower on either Operation Firestorm or Caspian Border.25 Kills each with the 5 new Second Assault Weapons.1 Kill with the Fire Burnoff on Operation Firestorm.Transport Flag Carrier in a Helicopter, Resulting in a Successful Capture.An easy way to complete this assignment is through the park area of Operation Métro which features highly flammable grass.Kill 5 players from the Caspian Border or Operation Firestorm towers in a round.

Raise or lower the security gate on Caspian Border.All criteria except the Assault Rifle Ribbon must be completed in a single round.10 Kills inside the Metro on Operation Métro.

All criteria must be completed in a single round.1 Kill with a Light Machine Gun in a round.1 Kill with an Assault Rifle in a round.Destroy an Air Vehicle with the FIM-92 Stinger or SA-18 IGLA.All criteria except the Sniper Rifle Ribbons must be completed in a single round.All criteria except the Assault Rifle Ribbons must be completed in a single round.1 Kill with the Defibrillator in a round.Once clicked, enter the password 24344241893 when prompted to unlock the requirements. A skull is found in the lower left-hand corner of the leaderboard page. Requirements are hidden until unlocked on Battlelog.Player has to complete 200 Pistol kills and 20 Jet kills first before 2 shotgun ribbons count towards the assignment.Once clicked, enter the password epic dream worlds when prompted to unlock the requirements. Once clicked, enter the password bumpinthenight when prompted to unlock the requirements. Destroy 50 Vehicles with Rocket Launchers.