The power and drive that the Trondheim players bring to the final movement of the Bartók is, I consider, unequaled on disc. The demo shows off the placement and immersion capabilities of Atmos, especially in a full 7.1.4 program. De demo liet de verschillen horen tussen enkel de onderste laag, de bovenste laag en de onderste laag samen en weer alleen de onderste laag. at Dolby are committed to audio fidelity and specifically high definition audio. Let’s face it, movies are where Atmos is truly going to take hold in the residence theater space, and Dolby’s earlier demo disc was truly lacking on movie content.

Now, all participants in THX’s Instruction get an added bonus: the THX Calibrator Disc. At present there is only 1 Blu-ray in the UK that functions a native Dolby Atmos mix Transformers: Age of Extinction. In the previous that would have usually meant we’d tell you to hold off getting an early adopter, but not with Dolby Atmos. I was wondering how I can get the video trailers incorporated on the September 2015 Dolby Atmos demo disk.

You are at: Property » Dolby Demo Discs Dolby Demo Discs Advertising Search Search for: Current Posts. I contacted THX yesterday to try and get a copy of the new Demo two disc – this was the response I got.ĭTS:X, Dolby Atmos, and Auro 3D had been all the rage in Demo rooms at CEDIA this year so it was very good to see Paradigm introduce their speaker lineup utilizing various sources and amplification systems to show off their merchandise.

Demo-DVD aus dem Hause DOLBY mit allen Dolby-Digital Trailern und den Tonspuren: Dolby Digital 5.1 EX, DD five.1, DD two. That is how we feel with the Dolby Atmos mix of a standard surround presentation.

Zelf vond ik de demo die het geluid van een druk plein in een stad liet horen een goed voorbeeld van geluid zoals je dat ervaart als je er zelf ook in staat. Obtainable for the very first time in HD, the THX Calibrator Disc contains 4 THX trailers to demo a calibrated program. Quote=Mashie Saldana45246529Did any person come across the January 2016 Atmos Disc in the end?/quote Does it even exist? How to train your Dragon two, Enders Game, The Kroogs, Turbo, The Incredible Spider Man, and Red Tails all feature Auro 3D sound, but a swift verify of web Blu Ray availability from widespread world wide web firms show that these films are typically accessible in DTS Digital Master Audio and Dolby Digital 5.1.