On the other hand, for all his thoughts of sophistication and control, Tarn can go from affable to life-threatening at the least provocation. He works hard to run a tight but fair ship, and is not above taking in an open-minded, needy stray. He believes his actions are entirely justified, yet sometimes his thoughts are a constant stream of self-denigration. Viewing himself as the central pillar of the D.J.D., he can be as brutally violent as any other Decepticon, but views himself as a bureaucrat and his team as his administration.

No traitor, no coward is capable of escaping his team.ĭespite appearances, Tarn is a mess of contradictions. He is beyond zealous in his devotion to Megatron's cause, going so far as to emboss the Decepticon insignia onto his own faceplate. The leader of the D.J.D., Tarn epitomizes the mentality of the team. He tends to indulge these pleasures at the same time he's using his outlier ability to cause the Decepticon Justice Division's latest transgressor's spark to self-destruct. He enjoys nothing more than playing beautiful music as he waxes poetic quoting Towards Peace and other philosophical works by Megatron. Tarn (aka Damus and Glitch) is an eloquent Decepticon.